On occasion, I come across things that make me wonder if I remembered to update the stock of vintage porno-mags in my bomb shelter. The mere thought of these things makes me want to wrap myself in tin foil, settle my debts at the Clearwater Casino and pre-set my fantasy roster through the rest of the season. And if I didn't already know my shit from "I am Legend," I would have already traded my roommates dog for a pallet of chicken flavored ramen and a garbage bag full of astronaut ice cream. Unfortunately I am going to need that dog, Luke, to fight off hipsters, Four Loko addicts, homeless ex venture capitalists and overachieving foreign exchange students. My friends, the apocalypse is upon us:
How many hipsters does it take to play a game of Monopoly? One to use the money for origami, one to turn Park Place into a Salvation Army and another to quit the game, call all of his friends, turn the whole scene into a fixed-gear fuck-fest and use the thimble as a condom. However, it only takes one hipster to tip me off to the approaching apocalypse. The other day I was crossing the street to my favorite burrito place when I was verbally assaulted by a grade-A doucher. Naturally, he was on a fixed-gear bike and he was PISSED. Specifically pissed at me. He looked directly into my eyes as he rocketed by and said, "DID YOU LOSE YOUR CAR KEYS ASSHOLE?" I took this to mean that he was implying I had lost my car keys, was forced to walk and hated my life because of it. Let me make it insanely clear that I was on foot, less than a block from my house and enjoying the autumn vibe. Was he tipped off to my disdain for environmental responsibility by my lack of style? Was it the fact that I didn't complement him on the painfully average Peter Bjorn and John song I could hear coming from his authentic Walkman? Hey asshole, I did not lose my car keys, they just aren't attached to my belt loop, unlike the rest of you horn-rimmed dick wads! Listen people, unless you want v-necks to become the new business casual, "hide ya kids, hide ya wife."
Four Loko:
Dig deep. Think. What happened last time you drank at least one of these? If your answer is anything less consequential than waking up in a front lawn, on a roof, in a pool, in jail or in South East Asia, congratulations, your name is probably John A. Belushi and you should check into rehab right away. If any of those post Loko symptoms apply to you, here is why:
- Developed by 3 Ohio State Alumni
- 660 calories
- Ingredients: Caffeine, Taurine, Guarana, and Wormwood
- 12% ABV
- $2.50 MSRP
The Economy:
This picture is a pop up ad that many of you may have seen over the last year or so. What? Pop ups don't piss you off? How about a pop up featuring two passed out kids from Delaware gettin' gay and makin' $571/day? Is this supposed to be our plan for beating the recession? I guarantee that this would not exist if the economy wasn't so shitty. Some clever asshole knew that people were desperate for quick cash and boom, the company was born, and you can't blame the dude. I mean come on, in this economy? The best part is that the same asshole that started this business is probably the only one making 600 bucks a day. Thank god I've already stocked my bomb shelter with post apocalyptic currency because this problem is not going away any time soon. You might not be dumb enough to click on it, but you sure as shit know that your broke, Four Loko crazed, hipster roommate is ready to experiment with his sexuality.
Foreign Exchange Students:
Please understand that I applaud these guys for coming over here to take it to the limit and see just how far they can push me. I don't have an issue with going abroad to school, in fact, I'm for it. However, when the girl in front of me is rocking Facebook in some foreign language and pretending to be interested in whats going on while somehow pulling in a 4.0, I lose my shit. Hey, I could just as easily go to school in South America, play the "lo siento, no hablo espaƱol" card all day long, and probably bring home a couple 4.0's myself, but thats just not how it should work. Honestly, I am afraid, because before we know it, everyone and their mother will have an engineering degree from Carnegie Mellon and we will be asking ourselves why we let so many foreigners into American schools. Not saying they have got to go, but I've already got a full college curriculum that I downloaded from Napster loaded up on the computer for those long days in the bomb shelter. Just don't come asking to "travel abroad" to my underground sanctuary for classes, because its not happening.How far off is the apocalypse? It's hard to say, because of the relative unpredictability of the aforementioned threats. However, If anyone wants to get serious, I'll be kicking it Desmond style, in the "hatch" I built underneath the part of my backyard that the dog shits in. Consider yourselves warned.