DUDE, HEY!.....Thanks for the advice....asshole.

It has been too long.  Too many days have past for me to count back to my last post. Hear now, as best articulated by the ever-so eloquent poet Marshal 'Eminem' Mather's  "I'm Back!"

I would like to extend a big fat FUCK YOU to those who have been inundating me with their invaluable wisdom.  

I realize that the reader may require some history to provide this provocation with some context-  Allow me.

So my life has been taking turns lately that I hadn't previously planned for. It can be a bit overwhelming sometimes, but exciting nonetheless.  Last semester I decided to drop out of school and apply to music school to major in production.  So I did.  However, during the application process I started working. I found that I liked it so much that I bailed on the music plan all-together .  This set a whole new plan for the future in motion.

The commercial real estate business is fantastic.  Innovative architecture, aesthetic appeal, creative solutions, social net-working, opportunistic motivation, asset management, managerial theory, collaborative dynamics,  I mean the list of awesomeness goes on and on.  I get to play around with all of these concepts, and accurately represent myself in such a way that is not necessarily condoned in other occupational facets. Essentially I am only limited by my own rational.  So what is my rational?  What are my limits?  I know that an investment, in a "2012 survival kit" factory should be supported by a well conducted market analysis. Not just approved or disapproved on a gut instinct.  But where does that thought pattern come from? If a plan for this factory was proposed to me, of course I would look at the analysis, but I would consult my gut instinct too.  I can't explain my gut. It's pretty big, it has some unique hair growth.  Is that the best description of my rational? Do other people no the make up of good rational?  A lot of reasoning can be imposed, and proven business models can expire, so what kind of rational keeps budgets in-check and cash flow predictable?  I'm not sure, but everyone else is.

I have found that some how there exists this ENORMOUS population of business savvy laymen.   This underground of potential financial mentors and billionaires has accumulated such a wealth of infinite wisdom that you could fill the Marianas Trench with all the money they could have made.  They can all be related to that kid in high school that could throw a base ball 109 MPH, but went to school for elementary eduction. He could have probably gone pro, but he just wanted to teach 3rd grade cursive.  All these people say they could have gone "pro."  I mean they REALLY use to get the biz.  Just like that kid teaching cursive, they used to walk the walk damn good.  They don't walk it so much anymore, but they now know what they would have done if they kept walking. With utter confidence they speak the language of MAKING MONEY, and they all want to let you in on the secret.

When I tell people about my current situation and job I have to prepare for this super obnoxious chuckle they do.  It's eminent! It's like an allergic reaction where they just start blurting " Oh, I remember when I was young and thought I had it all figured out. Oh man I was on the road to HUGE DICK STATUS, but I made a wrong turn.  Here, let me use this crayon and napkin to make a shitty map for you of where I turned and where I should have turned."  I always hear them out to be polite, and you never know when you'll need a napkin.  I used to listen intently hope to pick up some tiny snippets of goodness, but now I just wait and graciously accept the napkin

So that is where the huge "fuck you" extension spawns from.  If I hear one more "Its all about the right networking", or "It's simple-make sure you identify your target" I'm going to start punching dick holes.  I'm not sure how, but when the subject of business is brought up everyone has developed some simplistic philosophy thats implementation ensures success. It's a god damn plague.  This simplest business model is easy; buy some shit, sell it for more shit.  SHA-BOOM!  Vocalized common sense is not advice- its a perversion of the original function for which words were meant.

Maybe I need to practice tolerance, or maybe I have highlighted a trend in ignorance and can apply for philanthropic funding to stop this infectious disease.  Either way....I give you Blog Bitch 3.

With Love,

Capt. WIn


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